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Map: DM6
Rikoll 11 - 14 bulat

comment by bulat
тактическая игра
comment by admin

Google translate: tactical game

Map: DM4
Rikoll 71 - 16 bulat

comment by bulat
ну тут все понятно
comment by admin

Google translate: Well here everything is clear

Rikoll 26 - 8 bulat

comment by admin

Google translate:

Rikoll 9 - 19 bulat

comment by bulat
ну тут все понятно
comment by admin

Google translate: Well here everything is clear

Map: DM2
Rikoll 1 - 5 bulat

comment by bulat
[lb - Round 12 - Match 1]
submitted: 2015-10-14 23:41:31 by bulat
confirmed: 2015-10-15 00:55:45 by dev-br
VVD 9 years ago
Ragga 9 years ago
Damn, was this last night. Really wanted to see this game :-( What server was it played on, wanna grab the demos.
NPH 9 years ago
Wow, really unexpected. After became invicible during 5years, the bonjwa Rikoll loses 2 times in row. I really hope you'll come back stronger !

Rikoll 9 years ago
First off, congrats Bulat! Well played!

I think this was just the slap in the face I needed. It feels a bit like I've been living comfortably in Slumberland too long, and needed Flip(Bulat) to shake me up a bit.

On a side note, I psyched myself out too much by his impressive LG which impacted me throughout all the maps really. Instead of playing my normal game, I started playing too passively as a result. I didn't get into my regular high pressure play, and started doing mistakes that still amazes me today when I think of them (DM2 in particular. That silly attack attempt at RA-mega with a 3-0 lead :-)).

On the bright side I don't have to practice that ridiculous 140 ms LG!

GL in the final, Bulat, I'm cheering for you!
bulat 9 years ago
Чистое везение одолеть таких игроков как Carapace, LocKtar и Rikoll. Всех вас я считаю сильнее меня!
LocKtar 9 years ago
Bulat is a russian bear! Always a player To fear!
bulat 9 years ago
тут 2 интересные игры на мой взгляд. Это дм6 и дм2, На дм6 игра интересная тем что у Rikolla full старт и мне пришлось стараться контролировать всё: секунды, ра, мегу, lg, фраги, а на дм2 это игра нервов
feffe 8 years ago
Google translate on comment #5:
"Pure luck to beat players like Carapace, LocKtar and Rikoll. I believe all of you stronger than me!"

Google translate on comment #7:
"then 2 interesting games in my opinion. It dm6 and dm2 , in dm6 game interesting so that Rikolla full start and I had to try to control everything : second , pa , Megu , lg, frags , and dm 2 is a game of nerves"
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