Season 1


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Last 10 Games
seese vs ultra
ultra vs LocKtar
vladde vs LocKtar
circle vs seese
LocKtar vs riker
vladde vs seese
ultra vs raket
slabby vs seese
nikke vs riker
circle vs ultra

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1 - 3
Map: DM6
circle 5 - 6 seese

comment by seese
Yeah, dunno where to start. I cant rembember the game but I think i got the start - somehow. Dm6 used to be my worst map but ive been praccing it alot lately and since circle has been pretty inactive in 1on1 for about 1,5-2 weeks i thought i had a 40 - 60 chanse. Well as i said, i got the start, took a stable early lead and somehow messed up at ra by firing 2 rocks which both missed and he shafted me and took control. I think the map switched about 3-4 times with 3 frags as maximal lead. The end was very intense but he couldnt kill me since i had 200 200 and shafted tele from mega and he just came from ga-spawn. Last 5 secs i fled to ra to secure. Felt obscene to win first map, since it was dm6. gg though.
circle 13 - 12 seese

comment by seese
This is my home, my map. And i totally fucked it up by switching from daglg to razorlg. There was an unlucky moment at 10 11 in circles favor where he spawns ra and takes the control back. But thats the game. With 1,5 min to go I took the control back and were 5 frags down, 8 - 13 and realised I had to start playing good, and so I did :-). Timed ra-mega-ya perfectly and started to hunting him down. 12 - 13 with 7 secs to, I knew he had to spawn and i knew i would have one, chance one opportunity to kill him. Stood at double-lgcells and he spawns airlift, i hit him with lg, miss the rocket in the airstream, hit him again with lg, he turns left, takes both healthes and survives the last lg with 65 health. My first loss in official games on aerowalk, much respect to circle, very well done. very tight again, i got his dm6 he got mine aerowalk. Now it was open again.
Map: DM4
circle 8 - 17 seese

comment by seese
This is a map of fear. You never know how it will end. You just cant control it for 10 mins. I got a srstart and took a huge lead with 8 - 0. And of course gets telefragged at cellsspawn over ga-lg after 2mins. I start some famous csing and he kills me all over the map. The scores soon 8 - 5 and it felt like it was going to be over. Cant remember what happened, since the game felt tight but the score wasnt. Think he got frustrated over not beeing able to kill me and i hit him a lot with predictionrockets. So in the end he gave me some easy lgfrags. A great game once again.
Map: DM2
circle 7 - 8 seese

comment by seese
I choose dm2 instead of dm2, since ive lost to circle on ztn earlier and im quite comfortable with dm2 and rl since ive been playing a lot with <40 ping earlier + the fact i know circle hates this map. I get the first frags and a stabile lead by 6 - 1. And instead of trying to play the manly mans game, i once again start to cs. The lead shrinks more and more. And with 30 secs to go he gets 6 - 3 after a stupid mistake at highrl.. i decide to start slowspawning, just to slowspawn in his face at low rl.. 20 secs to, i once again slowspawn right in his face at bigroom ya.. 10 secs to i spawn at lowrl again, u know that button from where u cant go anywhere, and he kills me with 2,5 secs to go. LOL. overtime. I cs his both megas out. Grabs the one at mega-ra and kills him twice 8 - 6. 30 secs to go and he kills me under quad i think. 8 - 7. And i dont spawn near him instead i spawn lowrl, get mega and ra. and eventually evades his rockets to win with 8 - 7.

Much respect to circle. I would never have won if he had been in perfect shape. I hope this will make him prac more and come back and challenge me in the Grand Final, since circles the best allroundplayer in loosers bracket - which he has allready proved in wb.
Luck, skill and cs/ seese
[wb - Round 6 - Match 1]
submitted: 2004-11-23 14:58:13 by seese
confirmed: 2004-11-23 15:32:53 by mogge

#1 Icce (83.226.20.xxx) 2004-11-23 18:59:24
Well done seese.

#2 lavos (193.166.80.xxx) 2004-11-24 06:55:19
nice review

#3 B1aze (212.5.80.xxx) 2004-11-24 11:46:12
mvd demos plz.

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