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Dare vs LocKtar
1 - 2
Map 1: DM2
Dare: -3
LocKtar: 21
My map dm2, what else... :) got a good start, held it very well. i knew that Dare is a skilled player so i took it pretty easy in the beginning. but after a couple of frags, i started spawnfragging him, and it felt like after 5 min he gave up. attacking me in stupid situations and so on, but i dont blame him:) after 3-4 spawnfrags in a row, u lost ur apetite to play more:) FG!
Map 2: DM6
Dare: 12
LocKtar: 2
I got a good start, fragged him 2 times pretty fast... thougt that i would win the match but... i was soooo wrong! :) Dare showed me really how to play dm6:( he knew where i were all the time. didnt thought he was so good at dm6, but he was.. i couldnt come up with much, just a few boomsticks here and there, and a couple of bores :) what can i say... FG AGAIN!! GG dare Dare.
Map 3: DM4
Dare: 22
LocKtar: 39
Never thougt i would win this one, but dm4.. the most unpredictible map! alot of spawnkills and alot of ra spawns and so on made me feel a bit lame ;) but hey its dm4 ! Dare did very good when i controlled RA and GA area. so in the last few minutes he fragged like hell! FG however. Didnt have screen on this one ;/ stupid me stupid stupid stupid!