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2 - 1
Map: DM4
BLooD_DoG 4 - 38 dirtbox

BLooD_DoG 41 - 4 dirtbox

Map: DM2
BLooD_DoG 5 - 3 dirtbox

[wb - Round 3 - Match 4]
submitted: 2013-11-05 06:06:37 by BLooD_DoG
confirmed: 2013-11-05 07:49:50 by eb
BLooD_DoG 10 years ago
Got raped on DM4, but I did that on purpose to trick my next opponent into picking it against me. Jk jk, Dirtbox completely dominated me there. DM2 could have gone either way, I got a lucky grenade to tie the game at 1 and then a couple of good spawns.

GGS Dirtbox, thanks for the easy scheduling and for agreeing to change servers for the 3rd map when my ping somehow jumped from 90 to 115 at the end of the second map.
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