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2 - 0
bulat 52 - 0 feffe

Map: DM4
bulat 30 - 15 feffe

[wb - Round 2 - Match 13]
submitted: 2013-10-25 21:28:33 by bulat
confirmed: 2013-10-25 21:30:48 by anni
feffe 10 years ago
Was really nervous after seeing the BuLaT vs bps game. Was hoping to somehow by a miracle take down DM4 but after that as kicking on ZTN I was even more nervous. Need to prac ZTN a lot more, had no clue what to do against a player of BuLaT's caliber.

ZTNDM3 (his):
The scores speaks for them self. I had no chance what so ever. And was totally outplayed in every way. WP BuLaT!

DM4 (mine):
Spawned RA and got a quick first frag. Got a couple of frags and then went to get more armor when BuLaT took his favorite weapon and I got scared. Went hiding way to early because of nervs and fear of his great lg. BuLaT owned the map for a couple of minutes and I only got a frag or two now and then. But did an abundance of stupid mistakes and never came back until it was way to late.

GGS and gl in wb BuLaT!
Shame 10 years ago
Love the review gj
phil 10 years ago
nice review more players should do reviews :) gg wp
mushi 10 years ago
yea good read! :)
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