Next DuelMania season delayed |
Although we originally imagined that the next DuelMania season should start sometime in March, I don't think it's necessary to start another duel tournament in this moment in time.
Right now, we have Besmella.Quake by dirtbox over here at quakeworld.tourney.cc and Thunderdome which is a division-based duel tournament by VVD and QuakePhil at quakephil.com/thunderdome.
I'm very happy to see that they have 123 signups for Thunderdome! It's awesome that the scene is waking up again...
Updated site to phpTourney-0.8.9 |
I updated the DuelMania site to a new version of phpTourney that contains a few bugfixes.
You can grab a copy over here: phpTourney-0.8.9.
As a side effect all users got logged out, since a bug regarding cookie handling was fixed. If you have any trouble logging in, send me a message!
Rikoll takes it home |
My apologies for the late news entry, but unfortunately the grand final coincided with me being abroad for a couple of days. I hope all of you (players and spectators) enjoyed the grand final and the tournament in general.
Me not being in my "home base" prevented me from actually seeing the grand final, but I'll make sure to grab the demos and enjoy them later this evening. Anyhow, the DuelMania team would like to congratulate Rikoll for playing what can only be described as a sovereign tournament!
On a sidenote: It's not a simple task to come back after a 5 year hiatus, as well as having way more RL commitments these days. So, we had to kinda ease back into the task of running a tournament again. In any case, the future plans go something like this:
- More regular seasons (every March and September seems like a good start)
- Better coverage (especially commentary and video streams)
- Site improvements (the brackets really need an update)
One last thing: I sincerely hope that there will be more signups for the next season. Here are some old figures: The last DuelMania in 2006 had a whopping 268 signups and the last Ownage in 2010 had 176 signups. We hopefully can revive the scene to get back to these figures again!
Upcoming grand final |
Ok fellow quakers, I know you are waiting with excitement for the grand final of this instance of DuelMania. And finally here it is! As you probably already know, we have:
Rikoll vs bps!
They will encounter each other on
Wednesday, the 16th of November 2011 at 20:00 CET
in a hopefully dramatic best-of-five match. Since bps! is coming from the LB, he has to win twice against Rikoll, in order to take home the imaginary trophy. ;) It's a hard task that he faces, but I am sure that he's hungry with revenge after the WB final.
I wish best of luck to both contestants and hope they'll give each other a good and fair fight!
Schedules |
I will update this posting when there are new schedules incoming. So check back frequently!
No schedules at this point!