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2 - 1
PAranoid 15 - 8

comment by PAranoid
Vio wuz alittle bit shocked by pings... but owned me during 1st half.. then his girlfriend helped me to WIN =)
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This was going much better than I thought it would, concidering I've played a total of 3 ztndm3 duels. After 7 mins or so, I was in the lead with 10-7 I think.. and then my gf got home from aerobic. She must have know what I was up to, because she had a malicious and cunning plan - she was in urgent need to pee, and somehow she couldn't use her own keys to open the door. So she rang the bell non-stop for about 30 secs, when she figured she needed a richer orchestra, and added her cell phone to the orchestra. My cell phone made the monitor flare, and all together this was too much to tolarate. I opened the door, lost some health to paranoid before I got to tell him what was up, and then I was so pissed I couldn't play straight. My bitch locked herself in @ bathrom to gain some martyr-points, and I got out of the groove and was seriously spanked on this crappy map.
Map: DM4
PAranoid 9 - 15

comment by PAranoid
Vio's choice... Vio's map =0( even my russian ping didnt help me....
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My downfall started here. I fought a russian in russia, that's fine. Or at least so they say. Makes me feel like Rocky vs Ivan "I-must-break-you" Drago. Ok, next time I'll play on a ladaconnection too.. perhaps a 28.8k modem. That way everyone has to fight me on my localhost, or use the somali-qizmo. I sucked this round.
It was GGG!!!
Map: DM2
PAranoid 2 - 1

comment by PAranoid
gg.... thx to Vio's GF again =)
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Uhm. He lamed, then I lamed, and the entire game was lame. It was the best game of the 3 tho. We both sucked like div11 noobs, but at least it had some nerve and excitement. I killed myself 5 times or so, and all of a sudden it was 30 secs left and I had to chase him. He locked himself in at ra+mega and spammed. I waited for him to go out of rox. He never did tho, and won it.
[lb - Round 3 - Match 26]
submitted: 2006-02-07 22:57:52 by PAranoid
confirmed: 2006-02-07 23:26:12 by Drugs-Bunny
PAranoid 18 years ago
ADMINS GG!!! The best Duelmania I've seen!
Wulfen 18 years ago
owned by girlfriend :D
vio 18 years ago
omg one vio is out :(
Exile 18 years ago
hahaha. lol. ggs :DDDD
VVD 18 years ago
Did u want super final: vio vs vio? :-)
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