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stev3ns 19 - 21 Drugs-Bunny

comment by Drugs-Bunny
He started out with a nice lead but towards the end I managed to pick up and with seconds to go the score was 20-19 in my favour and he attacked me with 2 nicely placed rockets but I was too quick on my trigger finger and came out victorious in the first battle, 21-19.
stev3ns 17 - 49 Drugs-Bunny

comment by Drugs-Bunny
This match was very intense and aggresively played by both players, as you can tell from the score. Throughout the whole match I had a firm lead and towards the end I Stev3ns had some really bad spawns that kinda put the lid on the toilet and he wasn't able to come back. Fair and good games! Good luck in LB!
[wb - Round 2 - Match 48]
submitted: 2006-01-24 21:40:55 by Drugs-Bunny
confirmed: 2006-01-24 21:41:23 by Drugs-Bunny
kmfdm 18 years ago
:DDDDD te nyomi
Tjall 18 years ago
te geci :>
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