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3 - 2
locust 4 - 2 LocKtar

Map: DM2
locust 1 - 6 LocKtar

Map: DM4
locust 8 - 11 LocKtar

locust 8 - 0 LocKtar

Map: DM6
locust 9 - 0 LocKtar

[gf - Round 1 - Match 1]
submitted: 2013-12-22 22:59:22 by eb
confirmed: 2013-12-22 23:00:02 by eb
andeh 10 years ago
bps 10 years ago
Whatta game. Pew pew! My biggest congratulations to locust on this impressive win! Wow. Didn't die for the last 20 minutes? ................................ WELL PLAYED
andeh 10 years ago
They also contain pre-game interviews and winner's interview after the games! Enjoy.
dirtbox 10 years ago
locktar did win the only 2 maps that count... but well played locust
Ragga 10 years ago
Congratulations Locust. Well played dude.
VVD 10 years ago
100% effi on ztn and dm6.
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